Bluehost Servers down for 5 hrs! Websites Back In Action Now!

Bluehost – one of the biggest web hosting companies of the world had a day which they would like to forget. Bluehost Data Center experienced a power surge that caused many of Bluehost’s (BH) servers and phone network to be unavailable for nearly 5 hours. Many of our websites including went down because of this outage, but now the sites are back, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Bluehost Technical Support Team.

About Bluehost

Bluehost hosts more than 2.2 million domain names, which serves data to 196 countries across the world. Their Data Center holds more than 92,000 Terabyte of data. The web hosting company had a reputation of professionalism and quality, and in-spite of the failure in their data center and phone-chat support, they tried to update the webmasters and owners regarding what happened with their regular posts in Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus accounts.


Bluehost – Still one of the best!

Details about the outage from Bluehost

Good News! All servers that were down have now been powered back up. If your site was down it should be back up soon. It may take a moment for the data to propagate but everything will be online shortly. The phones are working and you are welcome to call in if you have questions. It may be a long wait on the phone but we are here 24/7 to serve you. Once again, we are investigating why this outage happened and we will release details as we have them. Thank you for your patience.

Our Data Center technicians just informed us that the same servers that were down earlier are still experiencing difficulties. We apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for your patience. We will continue to give you updates until this is completely resolved.

FYI: we’ve been trying to issue updates/responses via Twitter, but just got an alert stating we had reached our “daily limit”. So until we can send out emails (or tweets again), most updates will be through Facebook only!

Update: Many servers came back right after power was restored, but there are still some servers that need manual fixing. We have all hands on deck fixing the remaining servers ASAP .

90% of affected customers are back online. We are pushing hard to get the last 10% up.